|  Festivals and Workshops - Education is THE mission! The Maxwell Street Klezmer Band presents educational workshops, master classes and artist residence for schools, colleges and universities. The following are a selection of workshops which can be tailored to the needs of your classroom or audience.
Instrumental Masters Classes Our clarinetist and violinist give lessons and demonstrations for groups of woodwinds, strings, or general musicians/music students. Instrumental technique as well as ornamentation, improvisation and studying are covered according to the level of the class. Instructors provide sheet music and recorded examples.
Lecture: An Illustrated History of Klezmer Music Band founder Lori Lippitz gives a history of the development of the unique, multi-cultural phenomenon of klezmer music in an entertaining and informative lecture punctuated with musical examples from rare recordings, the 1930's-40's and modern klezmer bands. This lecture can also be supplemented with demonstrations by one, two or three band members.
Jumping Klezmer! Children's Performances (K-5th Grade) The band (5-10 players) demonstrates what a klezmer band is, while introducing children to the instruments through rhythm and participation songs, with a view toward the uniqueness of the children's own ethnic heritage. Teachers, take note: You might be called upon to learn the hora!
Eastern European Jewish and Israeli Dance Workshop We teach the steps to simple, traditional group dances while a number of musicians (from two to the whole ensemble) play. We wrap up the class with a klezmer dance party.
Klezmer Institute: Week or Weekend Our clarinetist, violinist, vocalist and keyboardist teach and rehearse in hands-on sessions with instrumentalist/vocalists of any age or level, to pass on the essentials of the klezmer musical style. The week/weekend culminates with a performance by student ensembles. Our musicians have been organizing and teaching at an annual klezmer institute weekend in Chicago since 1995.
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