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The four books included in this set are:
Score (includes practice CD) 
The songs included are:
  1. Zol Zayn Gelebt
  2. Serba
  3. Russian Sher
  4. Lebedik un Freilech
  5. Odessa Bulgar
  6. Freilechs Fun der Chupeh
  7. Mazel Tov, Mechutonim
  8. Kolomeike
  9. The Matzorena
  10. Freitog Nokh'n Tzimis

The Review from the Ari Davidov's Klezmershack


The first book is actually a series of books, and it answers one of the most common question I get asked by people interested in starting a klezmer band: "Where do I get arrangements?" Well, from Tara Music, where you can get the largest selection of Jewish music overall, and now you can get this exquisite collection. It's put together by the fine folks at Maxwell Street Klezmer Band, in whichever parts you want: the score, the bass/trombone parts, the piano/violin/flute parts, or the clarinet/sax/trumpet parts. These books are ideal for anyone starting a band: Junior Klezmer Orchestras, synagogue klezmer bands, or even starting out with some friends and some enthusiasm--all are going to benefit from these books. The "score," the main fake book, also comes with a CD so you can hear how the arrangements sound. The tunes were originally recorded in the first golden age of American klezmer music, 1910-1940. As one would expect from books produced by Tara, the printing and typography are clear and impeccable.

I just wanted to thank you for your publication "Joy of Klez" and CD. My children and I have successfully played your arrangements (I'm on violin, one son is on trombone and the other son is on flute - my husband operates the CD player!) and just this evening we played for our friends at a Purim celebration. It went over very well!

My next plan is to have the trombone son play at the flute son's Bar Mitzvah, using your CD again. But if in the future somebody actually wants to hire us, is it OK with you for us to play from your arrangements with your CD in the background?

Hope you all had a Purim full of freilechs!

Leonie Kramer

Laguna Beach, CA 92651

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4025 Harvard TerraceSkokie, IL 60076 USAPhone: (847) 675-4800Fax: (847) 675-4880info@KlezmerBand.com