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Digital Imaging Basics

Digital radiography is a term that refers to capturing a radiographic image in a digital format rather than on x-ray film. These digitally captured images can be viewed and enhanced within seconds of exposure and then, stored and transmitted for interpretation to any location. An x-ray source (x-ray generator or unit) is required for digital radiography systems just as it is for film imaging. MinXray’s High Frequency portable units perform exceptionally well with all digital image capture systems.

Digital radiography encompasses multiple imaging modalities including computed radiography (CR) and flat-panel digital radiography (DR). MinXray currently offers complete systems for the human portable imaging market utilizing both CR and DR technologies.

CR, like conventional film radiography, uses cassettes with photostimulable phosphor (PSP) screens to capture x-ray images. During exposure the PSP screen absorbs most of the x-ray energy which is then stored until the PSP cassette is placed into the CR reader or scanner. As the cassette is run through the scanner the CR plate inside is exposed to a laser which activates the latent image. This image is then digitized and displayed on a computer screen in approximately 35-60 seconds. The image is then available for post processing by the system software to produce the best possible image. Following the scanning of the digitized image, the CR plate is exposed to a bright white light which erases any residual image readying the cassette for reuse. Typically less expensive than DR, MinXray’s offered CR systems are small, flexible and light weight. Due to the ability to utilize existing x-ray detection systems, the transition to CR is an easy transition from a film based system.

DR systems offer a cassette-free means of image capture and processing by utilizing a dedicated flat imaging panel (IP). DR systems require the x-ray source to be “synched” directly to the imaging panel (IP). When exposed to x-rays the IP converts the x-ray energy into an electrical (digital) signal which is then transmitted to a computer. DR eliminates the need for a reader (scanner) and cassette and phosphor plate, thus producing a viewable image on a computer screen in 3-8 seconds. The system software also allows for further enhancement of the digitized image. MinXray’s DR systems, CMDR-1S and CMDR-2S are complete imaging systems capable of acquiring, processing radiographic images and then transmitting those images to a diagnostic center anywhere in the world. The CMDR-1S and CMDR-2S are also available in kit form to retrofit most HF120/60HPPWV PowerPlus™/ XGS MKIV LW Mobile Stand systems currently in use.

The conversion to digital radiography has many positive aspects. Increased efficiency due to higher patient throughput and reduced retakes. Electronic transmittal and storage of images allows for easy access to images for diagnostic support. This access to prior radiographic studies allows for quick comparison with follow up radiographs. The elimination of darkroom maintenance and processing chemicals leads to a more environmentally friendly imaging system.

MinXray CR and DR systems are designed for superior service, quality images, excellent portability and durability. CR systems are easily integrated into existing imaging systems and offer the user a simple transition from film to digital imaging. DR systems offer state of the art imaging technology in a completely portable package that can provide on the spot imaging in any situation and MinXray’s portable DR systems contain no moving parts thus reducing downtime and repairs. MinXray continues to offer the latest in both DR (Direct Radiography) and CR (Computed Radiography) imaging technology to the portable imaging market.

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