MinXray portable dental x-ray equipment is designed for use in nursing homes, private homes, correctional facilities, field clinics, military installations, or anywhere an x-ray machine must be brought to the patient. Two models are available: HF70DUL Type A and P200D MK III. Each unit has the control integral with the head, simplifying setup and reducing the number of components. Each unit comes with a rugged, protective carrying case for the tubehead, cords, and dental cone. When paired with the Xpod Wireless Digital System a completely portable digital imaging system is created.
Available kV
Available mA
Unit Weight
High Frequency
60, 65, 70
| 10
10 lbs. (4.5 kgs)
P200D MKIII | 63 | 12 |
18 lbs. (8.2 kgs)
| No |
HF70DUL Type A
The model HF70DUL Type A sets a new standard for portable dental x-ray units. Incredibly light in weight, its high frequency circuitry produces a higher power-to-weight ratio than any other portable system. The HF70DUL Type A generates 10 mA at 60, 65, and 70 kVDC, and weighs only 10 lbs. (4.5 kg)! Line voltage compensation is automatic. Short, closely spaced exposure time settings make this unit ideal for use with any imaging modality, including digital.
The HF70DUL Type A comes complete with dental cone, power cord, exposure cord, and carrying case meeting military specifications. A backscatter shield is available as an option. The MinXray HF70DUL Type A is compatible with the model X100S tripod stand.
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A lightweight, rugged, truly portable x-ray unit for dental radiography, the P200D MK III comes complete with power cord, exposure cord, dental cone, and a rugged carrying case. Used by practitioners in the human and veterinary fields, the P200D MK III has ample power at 63kVp - 12 mA. The P200D MK III is simple to operate. Only two controls must be set; the line voltage compensator and the built-in electronic timer. Compatible with all imaging modalities, including digital, consistent results are assured wherever the equipment is used. The P200D MK III is available in both 115V and 230V configurations.
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